
 Hafiz Mohammad Mikail Rahmani

Subodh Kant Sahay , Former Union tourism minister, Govt. of India

Rahmani Educational and Welfare Trust (REWT) is a voluntary educational Trust. It was established in 2016 to work for the betterment of the minorities giving top priority to education in its objectives. Since its inception, the REWT is on the march with absolute dedication to bring about social and educational change in the present condition of the community by awarding scholarships to needy students in pursuit of higher professional education. The main objectives of the Trust are as under:

  1. To work for the advancement of education, science, technology and management particularly in the realm of higher education.
  2. To grant Loan Scholarships to deserving students for pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate studies and research in the fields of Medicine, Engineering, Science and Technology, Management, Commerce and Humanities.
  3. To run and manage schemes of financial assistance, to organize coaching and remedial classes, special education centres for improving the opportunities for students of minority communities. 
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DSC 0081

IMG 20171217 WA0008

Gifts Distribution

20180506 155320


DSC 0298 FILEminimizer



DSC 0560 FILEminimizer

IMG 20210321 WA0030