"Madarsa" Meaning
Madarsa is the Arabic word for any institution whether secular or religious . In the West , the word usually refers to a specific type of religious school or college for the study of the Islamic religion , through this may not be the only Subject studied.
History of "Madarsa"
From the very earliest days of Islam , the issue of education has been at the forefront on the minds of Muslims. The very first word of the Quran that was revealed on Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was , in fact , " Read " (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) the first verse of chapter 96 .Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam once stated that " Seeking Knowledge is mandatory for all Muslims." With such a direct command to go out and seek knowledge , Muslims have placed huge emphasis on the Educational System in order to fulfill this obligation placed on them by Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.
Throughout Islamic history , education was a point of pride the Muslims have always excelled in. Muslim built great libraries and learning centers in places such as Baghdad , Cordoba and Cairo. They established the first primary schools for childen and universities for continuning education. They advanced sciences by incredible leaps and bounds through such institutions , leading up to today's modern world.
The first teaching and learning center was established in Makkah was called "Dar-al-Arqam" by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) where the Prophet had giving the teaching of the Holy Quran. In Madinah , after Hijrat , Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had started and Islamic religious school in Nabawi Mosque(Masjid-e-Nabawi) in a small hut type shelter called "Suffa". The students of t Muhammed(PBHU) who were preaching Islam used to come from long distance places to learn about the Islamic teaching specially the Arab tribes and others .Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) sent Ulamaas (Islamic Scholars) to teach about Islam university to different places and countries.
Madarsa in India
When the Muslim rule ended in india , the Muslim Scholars throught about establishing Madrasah which would impart Islamic Education and preserve the Islamic principles and literature. Madarsa had been established in cities and villages and the Madarsa network were run by Islamic Scholors. In India , in spite of various difficulties the Madarsas are running very well by the grace of Allah.